Ms. Mattina
As counselors at C. E. King Middle School, we are well-informed experienced professionals. We advocate and provide care and support for all students by developing effective and positive relationships which are rooted in respect and compassion. As counselors, we are responsible for recognizing cultural diversity, the impact of social-economic status, and social injustices, such as bullying. We assist in evaluating instructional methods which increase educational access for student with learning differences.
C. E. King counselors join forces with the experts within the school system and members of the community to cultivate appropriate educational opportunities involving student’s activities through 504 services, At Risk assessment, High School Endorsement guidance and Personal Graduation Plans. In addition, we are assertive in reducing the effects of environmental constraints that could hinder students from being successful with a wide variety of opportunities.
King Middle School counselors create positive pathways between students, parents, teachers, administration and the surrounding community. We are active leaders in helping all students accomplish high academic expectations as well as social and emotional wellness. Furthermore, we collaborate with others in and beyond the school community in order to ensure opportunities for meaningful participation for all students.
In closing, we commit to lifelong professional development to provide the most innovative and effective counseling services to insure the success of all students.
Bridgette L. Mattina, MS
6th Grade Counselor
C. E. King Middle School
Annex Building, Room EC105 Ext. 3071